Tag Archives: 9/11 Memorial

Patriot’s Day – We Will Never Forget

Entrance to the Unveiling of the 9/11 Memorial

Entrance to the Unveiling of the 9/11 Memorial

I remember September 11, 2001 like it was yesterday. Those images of the planes, the twin towers, the fire and smoke and the towers crashing to the ground are forever burned into my mind. I was working from home that morning when a colleague from Florida called and ask if I had the TV on. I replied no and he said to turn it on. I sat for the longest time in disbelief and shock as I watched the two planes fly into the towers. Then the fires and the reports of the people trapped in the two towers that could not get out. I remember I cried that day as I watched and prayed. I remember thinking, ‘God, how could you let this happen?’ Then the towers started falling, collapsing in on themselves as the heat, the fire and the explosions took over. I will never forget that day as long as I live.

I know today that God was in those towers with those people who were trapped. God was in the planes with those that perished on those flights. God was with the Firemen, the EMTs and the Police that respond and lost their lives as they tried to rescue those that may have survived. As America watched and cried at the horror that took place that day I am sure God was just as sad about those that lost their lives that day. Today I know that God didn’t let it happen. I know that God gives us all a free will and let’s man make his own decision without interfering with man’s choice. I know it’s hard to imagine but if God interfered with man’s decisions we would all be nothing but puppets on a string.

Fast forward ten years. Today Kennewick unveiled it’s 9/11 Memorial. It was to start with a escort of Fire, EMT, Police and motorcycles to the Southridge Sports Complex. Since we only live two block from Highway 395 we heard the Fire Trucks as they made the turn from Kennewick Avenue to 395. We ran out and jump in the car and headed off to view the procession. It was awesome seeing the procession of Fire Trucks, Police cars, Ambulances and motorcycles make their way to the memorial site.

We attended the unveiling and dedication of the 9/11 Memorial in Kennewick this afternoon. As we enter the Southridge Sports Complex we were greeted by a huge American flag hung between two Fire Trucks. It was totally moving to walk under that flag and see all the people that turned out for the dedication. As we walk under the flags and on to the grounds we were handed two balloons. The crowd was a mass of red, white and blue as those in the crowd held onto their balloons and they floated above everyone’s heads.

As we got close to the memorial site hundreds of people were standing in the hot afternoon sun to witness a piece of history be unveiled. It was almost a carnival like atmosphere with the balloons, the tents set up to our backs, and the people talking and chattering all around. Then Kennewick’s Chief of Police gave a few opening remarks and then introduced a group of Kennewick Boy Scouts that provided the Color Guard and presented the Colors. One of Kennewick City Councilmen then talked about how the beams came to Kennewick. Kennewick was one of 81 areas to be given sections of the beams. After a couple of more speakers the memorial was unveiled.

The unveiling of the 9/11 Memorial

The unveiling of the 9/11 Memorial

The entire crowd was in total silence as a Lampson crane withdrew the tarps from the massive 35 foot tower section planted in the ground. Then an American Flag was hoisted by the one of the Vets organizations up a flagpole that was placed between the two beams. It was totally a breath taking and very solemn moment as everyone watched.

The flag flying above the Twin Tower artifacts

The flag flying above the Twin Tower artifacts

The 9/11 Memorial is unbelievable. To see the two artifacts from the Twin Towers and their enormous size makes one wonder how the towers ever came down. One column of steel is a full 35 feet high and must be at least 16 inches square. The beams presented to Kennewick were exterior beams meaning they ran inside of the outer walls of the towers.

At the end of the presentation the crowd released their 3000 red, white and blue balloons all at once. A sea of red, white and blue surrounded the tower beams as the balloons took flight. One group got caught on the flag pole and stood as a reminder, at least for awhile as if to say, ‘Never Forget’. As anyone from the Tri Cities heads south on Highway 395 they will always be reminded of the Twin Towers and the events of September 11th, 2001. Yes, Tri Cities, we will never forget.

3000 Red, White and Blue Balloons released

3000 Red, White and Blue Balloons released

Did you know that 9/11 is Patriot’s Day? On October 25th, 2001 President Bush declared 9/11 as Patriot’s Day. On this day we should all fly a flag outside of our home and take a moment to remember those that gave their all on that tragic day 10 years ago. We should also never forget, whether you agree with the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan, those that gave their all in response to those terrible events of that day. Also, we should not forget those who are currently in harms way providing us with the freedom to fly our flags and continue with the freedoms we have. We should thank God that we live in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. Yes, We Will Never Forget